OlmukSA Oluklu Mukavva San. (Edirne)

800xA Upgrade AC410 Programming Service

Paper production process requires continuous transfer of sources and work with tight tolerances. Demanding both production increase and high quality need production stability. To compansate short interruption in process flow, paper plants have many chests. One problem can affect whole plant production.

ASP Automation Ltd, has successfully finished many automation projects in paper industry. Pulp production, wet end, pulpers, deinking, screens, steam condansate, chemical preparing kitchens and boiler units can be given as examples.

Paper production consists of intense analog signals, mathematical calculations in its production control process. Relatively small quality problems on paper can cause serious demages on expensive machines in printing offices. So every part of production process should communicate each other to maximize total quality.

Production change or process flow change request is also common in paper industry. Number of sources or amounts can change a lot from one type of paper to another. Control system and program must be flexible enough to fulfill all of these demands. Also simulation of programs, process flows, acceptance tests are asked most of the time.

ASP will understand your limitations and be aware of your risks, bottlenecks etc. Not only we are using the most advanced programming technics but also make them compatible to standarts. We produce user frienly, flexible, open and reliable control sytems.